Saturday, January 14, 2006

Dame Dench

Saw Mrs. Henderson Presents last night. Judi could read --- the yellow pages and move you to tears, which is pretty much what happens in the movie.

It's a pleasant little trifle which is more a showcase for the Great Dame than anything else.

Bob Hoskins is fine as her blustery business partner, but the rest of the supporting cast is quite odd, especially one young actor with an underbite lisp that makes him sound like wind whistling through a window. He, of course, has lots of screen time and even three or four songs. Hello? Sleeping with the director much?

In the end, all is forgiven (and forgotten) because what you really take away is Miss Dench's work. She could stand there saying nothing and, with a lift of an eyebrow or the curl of her crimson-colored lips, tell you everything you need to know. Hmmm, maybe a silent picture would have been better.

Tonight, I'm off to a leather bar. That should wash some of the saccharine away. No comments.


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